Search Results | kenyan american

Your search for "kenyan american" returned 24 results

The Boston Marathon Quiz

If you want to gorge on lobster and clam chowder, first you have to earn it. How much do you know about the prestigious Boston Marathon?

Can money buy happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Find out if money can buy happiness at HowStuffWorks.

Beyond the Oats Box: 9 Facts About Quakers

The most famous Quaker (the one on the oats box) is not even a real person. This religious group has had much success in a sweeter area of food: chocolate!

How Maggot Therapy Works

Maggot therapy can help clean wounds faster and promote faster healing. See why these creepy crawlies are used on skin in maggot therapy.

10 Tips for Telling Fact From Fiction

It can be hard to tell fact from fiction. Here are 10 tips to help you tell fact from fiction.

How Living Without a Bank Account Works

Millions of people have figured out how to get by without a bank account, whether by choice or force of circumstance. Learn more at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Name the Country From a Well-Known Fact?

The world is filled with colorful cultures and geography. From the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall, can you name these countries from one famous fact about the area?

How well do you know these famous firsts in modern history?

You never forget your first ... or do you? Everyone remembers Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, but do you remember the name of the first human in space? Test your knowledge of 'firsts' in modern history with our quiz!

5 Kwanzaa Traditions

What kind of traditions come with celebrating Kwanzaa? Check out 5 Kwanzaa traditions at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Identify Where These Actors and Actresses Are From?

Many of your favorite actors and actresses hail from different countries. Sometimes it's not so obvious where that place is. We've devised this quiz to test your knowledge of these performers' country of origin. Ready for it? Let's begin!

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